February - March 2021

More raptors! If you missed it, for the past few years I've been writing and drawing:

a story about Blue and the Indoraptor prototype, where they managed to avoid their fight and instead became friends, and more recently a couple

a story about what happened to various JP raptors after the first movie's events, especially the little raptorlet whose hatching our human protagonists attended.

They're the same story, so it's about time our two packs run into each other
after about two and a half years on the mainland.

posted to deviantart: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

Back to the rest of my dino drawings


Art and story + non-canon characters © Elina Hopeasaari / Kosmonauttihai.
Jurassic Park / Jurassic World and its characters are © someone else.
Please don't repost my art without permission.